问:您好:Donuts怎么只有这么几个后缀有续费优惠:.CITY .EMAIL .GROUP .LIFE .LIVE .LTD .PLUS .PUB .RUN .SHOW .WORLD 另外的这些:.GOLD.CENTER.VIDEO.SOCIAL.TEAM.COOL.ZONE.TODAY.CHAT.COMPANY.FUND.GURU怎么没有续费优惠,前几年双11都有续费优惠,这次突然没有优惠不太好吧。很多米农感觉被骗,就因为之前每年双11有续费优惠,我们才注册或收购这些后缀的米的,所以我们希望这次这些后缀也应该要续费优惠,时间上不用一个月那么长,只要双11当天有优惠就行了。,请求其他甜甜圈后缀也要续费优惠!
Hello!We request to have DOMAIN NAMES RENEWAL DISCOUNT of preferential promotion for all new gtld suffixes IN NOV.11THUp to now we have found the following New GTLD promotion for renewal discount in west.cn、aliyun.com and zzy.cn as follows:.CITY /.EMAIL/ .GROUP/ .LIFE /.LIVE /.LTD /.PLUS /.PUB /.RUN /.SHOW and .WORLD .BUT WE COULD NOT FIND the other suffixes as follows: .GOLD /.CENTER /.VIDEO /.SOCIAL /.TEAM /.COOL /.ZONE /.TODAY /.CHAT /.COMPANY /.FUND and.GURU etc.Why there is no renewal discount for all suffixes? In the past few years, there was a renewal discount on double 11(NOV.11TH) for all new gtld suffixes.but we found this has disappeared now.May we feel cheated? because there was a renewal discount on double 11 every year before, relying on which we have registered、bought or invested in new gtld domain names.Therefore, we hope all new gtld be treated for renewal discount so that we could invest all the time.or we would lose money that will also affect your future business in China.May we just give the other suffixes renewal discount on NOV.11th ?Best rgds,New gtld investors in ChinaNov 2nd.2020